Sanofi Enrolls 21% More Patients with StudyTeam™

Learn how StudyTeam exceeded Sanofi's expectations when it came to measuring success by how useful it was for both sites and the sponsor.

Sanofi's mission: Make clinical development more efficient— save time and reduce cost through every part of the clinical trials process, including design, data collection, and operations.

Read the Case Study

Learn more about Sanofi's Success with StudyTeam

Join DPharm and the Sanofi team to see how Sanofi is investing in innovation to support sites to supercharge their ability to manage enrollment in our on-demand webinar, "How Sanofi is Unlocking Sites’ Potential and Supercharging their Ability to Manage Enrollment".Watch the Webinar »

About Reify Health

Reify Health provides cloud-based software that accelerates the development of new and life-saving therapies. We serve the global life science industry, including thousands of clinical research sites, the most innovative biotechs, and the world's largest biopharmaceutical companies.

Play the video to hear how StudyTeam can help you speed up enrollment.

Enroll Intelligently.

StudyTeam makes it radically easier for sites and sponsors to share recruitment insights and enroll with confidence.

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